Sunday, October 17, 2010


Why is life so entangled? How much time it takes to admit you are wrong? How many roads do you need to travel before deciding onto which is the right path? How many years to choose your line of action? How many mistakes are to be committed before being right? How many years of commitment are needed before accepting you were hopelessly in love with that special someone? How many betrayals, cheats? How many errs? And how much love you want in your life to come out of that feeling of being cheated? How many friends so as to convince yourself that you are not alone? How many reasons are required to smile back? How many split seconds are asked for to define that moment of a lifetime? What life tried to teach is always different from what you learn. Who is to be blamed on that account? The life, the lesson or the person. Signing off with so many questions whose answers are yet to be found for the life!!!!!!!

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